Saturday, January 12, 2008

Learning Keyboard with Believer Music

Finally I've embarked on a journey to pursue an interest which I thought would be so ministering to me and those around me. I started learning keyboard with Believer Music School.

My instructor really captured my heart but the moment I saw her fourth finger with a ring, I was quite saddened. Haa.. ;p

Anyway, I pray that I will be disciplined enough to complete the entire course and one day, God can use me in worship and leading worship just as He uses Brother Henson from Covenant Vision Centre. :)

Thursday, December 20, 2007

Reflections for 2007

As 2007 is drawing to an end, I sat down to recollect and reflect on this year..

A year of ups and downs..

A year of plentiful.. thanks be to God

A year of healing..

A year of learning to enter into the very presence of God.. through public and private worship.. through reflections.. do you know how awesome it is to be in the presence of Father God who is so majesty yet so loving...

A year of striving and then resting in the love of God..

My Spiritual Journey

One important lesson I walked away with is my identity as a child of God. I am a child of God, of infinite worth and value in the eyes of God Eternal..

Because I am in Christ, I need not strive to seek love becaused I am already loved by the Everlasting Father who loves me with an everlasting love in Christ Jesus. He calls me Beloved. God has set me in a community of love and faith with brothers and sisters in Christ loving and caring for each other. Though we may be imperfect but it's a good glimpse of what is to come..

The year started in a bad note. I decided on Chinese New Year Service that I would leave Pentecost Methodist Church for a while because I was having some issues which I can't resolve... God did not penalise me (full of mercy and full of grace), in fact, He led me to Riverlife Church where I am nourished by the Living Water.

The very first day I attended Riverlife service, it was the start of Old Testament Challenge. At Riverlife, I learnt solitude while attending Old Testament Challenge. I am so richly blessed.

Also, facing with many heart issues, I ran away from many people.. I experienced betrayal and rejections..

I began doing alot of things alone. The experience of being alone initially sux big time... but gradually God led me into a very different experience.. when the scales of my eyes fell, my spiritual eyes opened, my spiritual ear wax removed and my heart become very much sensitive to God.

I quote from Henri Nouwen about being alone:

"The question (of being alone) is whether we let our aloneness become loneliness or whether we allow it to lead us into solitude. Loneliness is painful; solitude is peaceful. Loneliness makes us cling to others in desperation; solitude allows us to respect others in their uniqueness and create community."

Today, I begin to understand what Henri Nouwen meant by moving from Solitude to Community to Ministry (which was affirmed by my spiritual daddy - brother Chin Nam this afternoon at our Christmas luncheon).

It is at that time of solitude, I learnt the art of being - being His Beloved. With this assurance, I moved by God back into the community this time to love and be loved. The Love of God blesses me, that I now have the eyes to see the blessedness of others in my community of faith and love where I then be used by God to minister to His people through Choices Discipleship & Prayer Group, Alpha Ministry, my small group and even being used in the Christmas Even Musical Experience - even to see my own loved one being saved. My beloved aunt accepted the LORD at Pentecost Methodist Church Christmas Even Musical. Glory be to God. =)

Matter of factly, I drew closer to God while enjoying solitude. I am able to come into the very presence of God, worshipping Him and being in communion with the Godhead at very intimate level. The peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard my heart and mind through Christ Jesus

I also attended Riverlife Church Camp alone at KL in June. At Riverlife Church Camp - Camp Oasis, I understood alot about the book of Malachi. The biggest takeaway from Camp Oasis was the response to this question: "What do you get for serving God?" I love the response: "GOD". Amen. I love this response.

I attended 2 very powerful seminars conducted by Sy Rogers - previously serving in Choices Ministry and Pastor Peter Tsukahira from Israel Mt Carmel School of Ministry. Indeed I am very blessed by their teachings.

Sy Rogers is a great source of encouragement to my own recovery and I was once again assured by God through Sy that recovery is possible because with God, nothing is impossible (Luke 1:37).

Ps Tsukahira taught extensively on "Israel and its endtime prophecy". The teaching is so good. I was so moved and in awe by God's hands upon Israel today. Continue to pray for the peace of Jerusalem.

Pray for the peace of Jerusalem; they shall prosper that love thee. (Psalm 122:6)

Also, second half of the year, I attended Choices Discipleship Class conducted by Sister Sandra Moo and Ps Moi Lee from Fountain Gates Ministries. Very blessed indeed. From the discipleship, I learnt a great deal on healing, my identity in Christ. I also learnt much about holy reading: Lectio Divina.

Lectio Divina is Latin for divine reading, spiritual reading, or "holy reading," and represents a method of prayer and scriptural reading intended to engender communion with the Triune God and to provide special spiritual insights. It is a way of praying with Scripture that calls one to study, ponder, listen and, finally, pray from God's Word.

My Work

I am very busy as usual, very occupied with lotsa deadlines and challenging assignments. I learnt alot from my Vice President, Director and my new Section Manager. I am also moved from recruitment to do Organisation Development, Manpower Planning and Compensation & Benefits. I am very blessed to be under the mentorship of Cher Whee, my HR Director, who took the risk to bring me from Recruitment to Manpower Planning and C&B - bearing the risk that I might resign because at that times, it's really like fitting a trigular cube into a circular hole. I hated number crunching.. And she has to move me into a job doing analysis day and night... I really dreaded my work then..

But thanks be to my loving Father in Heaven who has seen me through that dark moments of my life. Of course, today I thank God for Cher Whee's faith that I can make it and will make it.. I am not there yet but at least I can stand up and say confidently that let's try figure out together.. :) Looking back, it was so tough but it's so therapautic because I passed the test, not by might, nor by strength but by His Spirit and truly His Strength is made perfect in my weakness. In my time of weakness, God brought me into solitude, He revealed Himself so tangibly to me and He taught me to look to Him. In Him alone can I entrust and cast all my burdens to Him. He saw me through and He will continue to see me through in the future.

I really count my blessings. I am so blessed financially by the Lord. I am able to go for a Korean trip without having to worry that I will not have enough to spend when I return. It's a season of more than enough and I give all glory to God. What I am receiving today are truly blessings from the Lord. I thank God from the very bottom of my heart that He is Jehovah Jireh - the God Who sees into the future and supplies all my needs. Praise, Glory and Honour be to God.

My Struggles

Of course, not everything is rosy.. though my area of struggle - same-sex attraction is being worked out(Praise be to God), the carnal part of me still needs alot of "taming". My quiet time can be much much better...

As cliche as it may sound, sanctification - the path of holy living is a journey, a lifelong journey. I am "not very concerned" about where I am today as I told Calvin.

Alot of times we have so much about doing, we really need to practice the art of being His Beloved.

It's when we stop striving, that we are able to receive because our hands are empty.

I am not suggesting that we cheapen the grace of God or God's grace is the passport for us to do all the wrong things but I have true assurance that I am God's beloved, regardless of my doings. It's not my deeds that will determine my final destiny, it's my relationship with Jesus Christ who laid aside His Majesty in Heaven, came to suffer in the hands of those He created that I may be reconciled back to the Father through His finished work on the Cross.

I learn from Yoke Lin, I will ask God for more grace each day and that His strength will be perfected in my weakness. I will walk this journey of faith with Holy Spirit as my Counsellor who will lead me into being true disciple of Jesus Christ.

One thing I "strive" to do better in 2008:

To be at peace with God - which simply means I stop striving in my doing, and start to move into being His darling Daniel boy whom He dearly loves and calls as Beloved. :)

Start being - come into the presence of our Father in Heaven with our hands opened to Him... =)

For Jesus said, "IT IS FINISHED".

The LORD bless you and keep you;
The LORD make His face shine upon you, and be gracious to you;
The LORD lift up His countenance upon you, and give you peace.

Thanks for sharing my life with me in 2007.. Thanks for being around for me to love me and care for me..

I look forward to continue this journey with you in 2008.

Be blessed,

Sunday, October 28, 2007

Come before GOD's Throne of Grace

Today's worship at Riverlife was seemingly awesome beyond words could describe.. God's presence is so tangible.. When the call of worship was made by Senior Pastor's wife Jenny, Brother Andrew and myself just came in.. quite all over the place and not in sync with the flow of God.

Then, as the worship leader led us through the first two songs, the singing and audio-visual effect, as usual, AWESOME beyond words can describe but I'm still not very in sync with the flow of God until the fourth song: "Reaching for you".

I can’t believe the way
Your love has got a hold on me
Each morning I wake to find You near
Your lift me above my fears
And set my feet on solid ground
All of my days belong to You

And I breathe in Your
Breathe of life that fills my heart
You are my all consuming fire

And I stand here before You
In wide-opended wonder
Amazed at the Glory of You
The power of heaven
Revealing Your purpose in me
As I’m reaching for You

Wow, when i sang the pre-chorus "And I breathe in Your breathe of life that fills my heart, You are my all consuming fire", immediately tears rolled down my cheeks. Honestly, it had been a while since I last experienced the very tangible of God where I could be so in touch with God's holy presence and tears just rolled down so freely...

Hallelujah be to God.

Then one of the elders came up to lead us through Holy Communion. He shared a testimony of how a brother who went through a very serious accident this week and through the physical pain he's experiencing, he came to the realization of God's sacrificial love for us through the Person of His Son the Lord Jesus Christ on the Cross of Calvary. This brother had general anesthesia (GA) and he's still experiencing great pain. Our Lord Jesus Christ declined the general anesthesia in the form of vinegar as he was to be crucified on the Cross with rusty nails piercing through his wrists and legs.

What made this Creator God of heaven and earth come to the world He created to die for His creation? It's the AGAPE love of God that hung Him there.

I knelt down before the throne of God this morning, with the waffle and wine in my hands, I cried to God in awe of His greatness. I knew these few weeks, I struggled big time with internet pornography, SSA fantasies and SSA desires.

God, in His mercy, preserved me and today at the throne of Grace, I confessed my sins and gave up my rights to these things. Not that immediately these things will go away but I knew deep in my spirit, God pardoned my sins when Jesus died for me. Christ died for me while I was still sinner. God paid the ransom so that He could reconcile men back to Him. I also knew that my Father God honoured my gestures and I know what I need to continually do, moving forward.

Honestly, I felt very sad and very sorry for my brothers and sisters who are still in the gay camp propaganding the gay rights in our land. They are missing out so much.. so many wonderful blessings in the house of God. Don't come tell me what rights you want.. What do you get at the end of all these strivings? Freedom? Freedom to what? Are you sure you will be happy? Gay = happy?

Ask yourselves, search your hearts truthfully, can homosexual relationships be sustainable and blissful? You guys who are now in the lifestyle know the answer than any one else who are not. All strivings are in vain.. Heaven and earth (and everything in it) will fade away, including our looks, our careers, our bodies, our successes, but what will never fade away, the LOVE of God and His Truth will endure forever.

My prayer is for every one of you out there to return to the Family of God, come back to the Father through the Son Jesus and you will experience the real LOVE that no other relationship can bring to you. I know this, I experience it for myself. I speak from experience, having left the lifestyle three years ago..

Matter of factly, I'm not ashamed to say that God is not completed with my recovery. I know santification (to be more like Christ) is a journey, it's a journey of character building and development. Since sanctification is a process, it takes time. It's also a journey of experiencing God and His love in different ways and more and more each day.

God's love enables me to give up every rights I think I deserve in exchange for this wonderful Love God gives through my daily relating with Him and through the family of brothers and sisters in His Family.

It's worthy, truly worth it.. I pray that you will come experience it for yourself too. :) Your life can not be the same again when true repetence and santification take place.

Do you know that God still loves you and is still waiting for you to return to Him.

God is Love.

Saturday, October 06, 2007

Thanks be to God

It has been a long time since I blogged.. Sometimes, blessings come in its most disguised form.. I took 2 days (Friday and next Monday) off to look after her and rest at home. :) Really, I need the rest myself -- feeling alittle burnt out at work. Although I've VPN access but I'll be disciplined to leave work till Monday.

This Wednesday, I've alot of fear because Mum had a medical checkup at SGH for the lump on her back.. Honestly, I was very worried. I was even more worried when the doctor told us that the surgery's to be scheduled on Friday. I was so worried.

Activated all the prayer warriors to pray for mum. It's really good to have brothers and sisters in Christ to pray alongside with me. And all the comforting and encouraging sms-es.

I'll like to thank the following: -

God Almighty for His mercy and grace upon Mum's condition and surgery. Thank God for her speedy recovery.

Thanks also to Brother Calvin, Brother Cam, Brother Shawn, Brother Chin Nam, Yoke Lin, Shek Ming, Feroz, Guna, Joan, Joyce, Serene and Alan for praying for my mum's surgery. :)

Thanks be to all the well-wishes from relatives and friends.. Mum's recovering well. Thanks for the gifts and tonics. :)

Mum's recovering well :) In fact, she recovers better than when I had my circumcision 7 years ago.. I was bedridden for 2 weeks at least. She could move around and even do some simple household chores the next day until I've to "scold" her not to be so garang.. haha..

I'm also taking time off to rest my body for the busy weeks ahead. I know that it's going to be a restful period for me and mum. Haha.. How wonderful are the plans of the Lord! :)

Thanks be to God for everything and all the glory, honour and praise be unto the Lord God Almighty!

Tuesday, September 25, 2007


After reading Huaqing's blog, suddenly had the urge to update my own blog.. Last entry was 31 July 2007.. so many things happened these few months.. one thing has been constant.. my work..
Lately, I will leave for work at 6.45am and got home around 8.45pm.. :(
So many things to do at work.. annual review, headcount planning, organization management and still have to cover my colleague who is on reservist and then also got to cover another colleague who is going overseas... I think I might as well camp in office.
Not going to change job so easily..
Anyway, learnt a principle at Alpha last weekend:
God doesnt call us out from a job but He will call us into one which comes with Peace.
Well, I can't complete too much. God has been gracious, I've another increment and also I've learnt alot of things at work. Thanks be to God!
Haiz~ got to go liaoz... time to zzzzz.. *yawnz*

Tuesday, July 31, 2007


He can turn the tides
And calm the angry sea.
He alone decides
Who writes a symphony.
He lights ev'ry star
That makes our darkness bright.
He keeps watch all through
Each long and lonely night.
He still finds the time
To hear a child's first prayer.
Saint or sinner call
And always find Him there.

Though it makes him sad
To see the way we live,
He'll always say, "I forgive."

He can grant a wish
Or make a dream come true.
He can paint the clouds
And turn the gray to blue.
He alone knows where
To find the rainbow's end.
He alone can see
What lies beyond the bend.
He can touch a tree
And turn the leaves to gold.
He knows every lie
That you and I have told.

Though it makes him sad
To see the way we live,
He'll always say, "I forgive."

Lyrics by Tammy Wynette
Richard Mullan - James Richard

This is a lovely song which Elder Freddie Boey introduced in Riverlife Church. It's an old Christian song.. Apparently, quite a number of people know about this song.. Good good.. This song has quite correctly described the character of our God who is One without ability to sin, He hates sin and yet He is also a loving Heavenly Father.. :)

How do we then reconcile that? Through the perfect sacrifice of His only Begotten Son Jesus Christ who died on the Cross, and by virtue of His finished work at Calvary that we could then be reconciled back to God, cleansed of all our unrighteousness by the blood of the Sacrificial Lamb of God.

Sunday, May 27, 2007

Global Day of Prayer 2007

... if My people who are called by My name will humble themselves, and pray and seek My face, and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin and heal their land. - 2Chronicles 7:14 (NKJV)

Today is Pentecost Sunday. It's a very pivotal moment for millions of Christians all over the surface of the earth. From the rising of the sun of this very day, Christians gathered to pray for their nation, their people, the nations and Israel.

7Lift up your heads, O you gates!
And be lifted up, you everlasting doors!
And the King of glory shall come in.
8 Who is this King of glory?
The LORD strong and mighty,
The LORD mighty in battle.
9 Lift up your heads, O you gates!
Lift up, you everlasting doors!
And the King of glory shall come in.
10 Who is this King of glory?
The LORD of hosts,
He is the King of glory. Selah - Psalm 24:7-10 (NKJV)

Indeed, I am all excited to see the King of Glory our Lord Jesus Christ filling the face of the earth with His Majesty and Gracious Mercy! Hallelujah!! :)

I'm so excited and a few songs are ministering to me right now and may this be the prayer from all of us with an expectant heart to receive the King of Glory - Yeshua our Messiah!~

From "Jesus Come" by Trinity Christian Centre
Lord, You said if we will build it, You'll come.
You said, if we will seek Your face, You'll be found.
So we build unto You a Palace of Praise, a Throne Room of Worship for You.
In this place we choose to honour Your Name, in everything we say and do!
Let Your Glory fill this room (stadium)!!

Oceans Will Part - Hillsongs
If my heart has grown cold
There Your love will unfold
As You open my eyes to the work of Your hand
When I’m blind to my way
There Your Spirit will pray
As You open my eyes to the work of Your hand
As You open my eyes to the work of Your hand

Oceans will part nations come
At the whisper of Your call
Hope will rise glory shown
In my life Your will be done

Present suffering may pass
Lord Your mercy will last
As You open my eyes to the work of Your hand
And my heart will find praise
I’ll delight in Your way
As You open my eyes to the work of Your hand
As You open my eyes to the work of Your hand

And so without delay, National Stadium, Here I Come!! :)